


由新西兰最大的英文媒体集团NZME所属的NZ Herald (英文先驱报) ,和在华文读者中享有高度信誉的“中文先驱传媒” 强强联手,共同打造的全新互联网媒体平台“新西兰先驱报中文网”(www.cnzherald.com),2016年8月上线, 为新西兰及海内外华人提供权威、及时、优质的新闻与各类资讯。



微信公众号: 新西兰中文先驱 (Chinese_Herald)

创立于2015年,现订阅客户已超过3万。每天推送4篇深度原创内容,每周7天不断, 70%的读者来自新西兰本地,其中80%来自奥克兰。微信以丰富多彩的内容与形式密切联系广大华文读者,新西兰本地拥有超过17万微信用户。


邮箱: editor@cnzh.co.nz (编辑部), 电话: 09 379 2488

邮箱: enquiry@cnzh.co.nz (广告部), 电话: 09 379 1388

About Us

News Website: www.cnzherald.com

Established since August 2016. The website is a joint venture between NZME (publisher of NZ Herald) and Chinese Herald. Combining New Zealand two most trusted news brands, the website provides credible news coverage and creating value in NZ market. Servicing up-to-date, high quality and informative content.

Newspaper: Chinese Herald

The voice for Chinese in NZ since 1994, serving with intelligent, insightful and informative journalism. It’s loved and trusted by our readers. Available at more than 100 locations throughout Auckland and other cities as well as in-flight paper on all major airlines between NZ and China destinations.

WeChat: Chinese_Herald

Established since 2015 and now it has more than 30K+ subscribers. We publish 4 in-depth original articles a day, 7 days a week. 70% of the readers based in NZ and 80% based in Auckland. WeChat offers multiple ways to connect with Chinese nationals, there are already more than 170,000 local users of the WeChat in NZ.

Contact us for advise on editorial, target markets, strategies and media options today:

Email: editor@cnzh.co.nz (Editorial Team), Phone: 09 379 2488

Email: enquiry@cnzh.co.nz (Advertising Team), Phone: 09 366 1388

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